Sponsor a Volunteer for a Year through your Membership
Your membership fee will support the training and development of our volunteers who are committed to the enhancement of community safety in the City of Surrey.
Please choose from the drop down menu in the membership category you are applying for A One Year Membership Type.
Please ensure you complete the membership form prior to paying for your membership.
Your support will sponsor training and equipment for a volunteer for one year. This is a valuable way to support the amazing work delivered by our volunteers as they give back to their communities in Surrey.
As a Corporate, Not for Profit or individual member, you will:
- Be featured on our website and through social media
Recognized through social media
Opportunity to attend various SCPS events and network with community leaders and members
Community safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Surrey Crime Prevention Society is committed to enhancing the experience of those who live, work and play in the City of Surrey.
With your support we can continue to deliver the unique programs our dedicated volunteers support including community events, neighbourhood and local community safety tours, graffiti removal and public awareness and education campaigns.
Your support will enable us to continue to deliver the valuable programs our dedicated volunteers deliver throughout the City of Surrey.
The Benefits of Sponsorship:
It’s a great way to show your support for promoting a safer city.
Sponsorship opportunities exist for individuals and companies who would like to show their support either financially or through donations of goods or services.
Tax Receipts for your donations will be provided.
Sponsorship provides public recognition benefits to the individual or company and include but not limited to:
Demonstrating your commitment to community responsibility, or corporate social responsibility
Building new and deeper community networks
Enhancing your organization’s credibility and educating the public about products and services
Opportunity to network at various SCPS events attended by community leaders and members
Sponsorship can be through monetary of in-kind, which are of the following value: