Our Citizen's Community Safety Watch program is generously supported by grants from the
City of Surrey and the Provincial Government of British Columbia

In 1981, the Surrey Crime Prevention Society began one of the first Citizen’s Community Safety Watch programs in the Province.
Today, staff members and dozens of CCSW volunteers work closely with Surrey RCMP District Offices, Surrey Fire Department, City Bylaws, Parks, Recreation and Culture, Surrey Libraries and local businesses.
Highly trained and well-equipped Citizen Community Safety Watch volunteers, tour throughout the City of Surrey in teams of two from Friday to Sunday from 9:00 pm – 2:00 am.
These volunteers are the additional “eyes and ears” for community partners in all five districts throughout the city. Community partners call upon our volunteers to support them on a variety of functions.
It is crucial to note that our volunteers never engage any in any unsafe activities and only observe and report as required.
Volunteers observe, record and report all suspicious activity observed to the various community partners. This program runs out of the Surrey Crime Prevention Society Head Office.
For more information on how to become a volunteer for this program apply here.